Development requirements

Babycat has numerous dependencies. Most of them are automatically installed via a language package manager:

  • Rust dependencies are installed via cargo.

  • Python dependencies are installed via pip.

  • JavaScript dependencies are installed via npm.

However, in order to compile Babycat and run tests, there are some software packages that you will need to manually install.

Requirements for compiling Babycat

Rust 1.61 or newer

Babycat is written for stable Rust, targeting 1.61.0 or newer. You can install Rust with rustup.


cbindgen is a tool that we use to generate Babycat’s C bindings. You can install it with the command cargo install cbindgen.


wasm-pack is a tool that we use to generate Babycat’s WebAssembly bindings. You can install it with the command cargo install wasm-pack.

GNU Make

GNU Make is a build system that Babycat uses to coordinate tasks.

If youare building Babycat on Windows, you should make sure that you have a Bash-compatible shell and GNU Make to run Babycat build commands with. On Windows, you can install GNU Make from the GNUWin32 project.

Many macOS computer have the BSD version of Make, which might not properly understand Babycat’s Makefile. To see which variant of Make you have installed, run the command make --version. You should see GNU on the first line.


The CMake build system is necessary to compile Babycat with libsamplerate and other C and C++ dependencies.

A C compiler

Babycat is written in Rust, but a C compiler is needed to:

  • compile certain Babycat dependencies, such as libsamplerate.

  • compile the tests for Babycat’s C bindings.

Any recent C compiler should work, but we prefer Clang/LLVM.

You can install a C compiler and build tools from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install build-essential

  • Fedora: dnf install @development-tools

  • macOS: xcode-select --install

On Windows, try installing the LLVM toolchain. There are Windows installers listed on the Pre-Built Binaries section of the LLVM releases page.

Python 3.8 or newer

Python 3.8 or newer is necessary for the following tasks:

  • compiling and using the Babycat Python bindings.

  • linting and formatting Python code.

  • generating documentation using Sphinx.

Node.js and NPM

You should have Node.js version 14 or newer. The Node.js website has installers for all of the major operating systems. Node.js and NPM are necessary for:

  • testing the Babycat WebAssembly bindings.

  • linting and formatting the WebAssembly binding unit tests.

OpenSSL development headers

wasm-pack and other dependencies need these headers. You can install these headers from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libssl-dev

  • Fedora: dnf install openssl-devel

  • macOS: brew install openssl

libffi development headers

The CPython runtime, the Python cryptography package, and various other bits of code depend on the libffi development headers. You can install them from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install libffi-dev

  • Fedora: dnf install libffi-devel

  • MacOS: brew install libffi

pkg-config (Linux-only)

On Linux, the program pkg-config helps compilers find shared libraries. You can install pkg-config from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install pkg-config

  • Fedora: dnf install pkgconf-pkg-config

  • MacOS: brew install pkg-config

ALSA headers (Linux only)

The Babycat command line program has the ability to play audio through your system speakers. In order to compile this program on Linux, you will need the development headers for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA).

You can install the ALSA development headers using your system package manager: - Ubuntu: apt-get install libasound2-dev - Fedora: dnf install alsa-lib-devel

Optional dependencies that make development easier

Docker and Docker Compose

Docker is not necessary to build or use Babycat, but the Babycat repository contains a few Docker images that are useful for testing.

Docker is also required for building a Babycat Python wheel that obeys the manylinux protocol–which is a requirement for releasing a Python Linux wheel that is compatible with most Linux systems.

To use these images, install Docker and Docker Compose. The Docker website has installers for Docker Desktop here and Docker Compose here.


clang-format is a tool that ships with the Clang compiler. Babycat uses it to automatically format C code. If you have Clang installed, you likely already have clang-format. If not, you can install clang-format from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install clang-format

  • Fedora: dnf install clang-tools

  • macOS: brew install clang-format

On Windows, try installing the LLVM toolchain. There are Windows installers listed on the Pre-Built Binaries section of the LLVM releases page.


Doxygen is a tool for generating documentation for Babycat’s C bindings. The Doxygen website has pre-built binaries for macOS, Linux, and Windows. You can also install Doxygen from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install doxygen

  • Fedora: dnf install doxygen

  • macOS: brew install doxygen


Valgrind is a tool for debugging memory errors in computer programs. You can also install Valgrind from your system package manager:

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install valgrind

  • Fedora: dnf install valgrind

  • macOS: brew install valgrind

Babycat also uses the cargo-valgrind Rust crate that makes it easier to use Valgrind to debug Rust programs. You can install it with the command cargo install valgrind.